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Scholarships in Canada are among the most frequently asked questions we receive every day and we figure we could help people simplify what is currently available in Canada.

Undergraduate Level

Most colleges and universities have a financial aid office. The financial aid office publishes scholarships and bursaries and for some, there are some departmental scholarships. Most of these scholarships come from organizations, foundations/NGOs, or universities themselves. The reasons for awarding them vary widely. We may award them based on merit. It means good WAEC and high school results for Nigerian students. These awards can be for leadership, sports, and sometimes even for issues related to justice or war in a country. Those will be country-specific. Typically, this is for the undergraduate level.

Some schools may grant as low as $500 or as high as 100% in scholarships. These 100% scholarships often have two to five recipients.

Then 50% may also have you two to ten recipients, and then there’ll be a large pool of scholarships given to students who meet a particular grade. For instance, maybe you have an 80 percentile in your academic results, and you’ll be eligible for 2000 or 3000 off your tuition. That is how most scholarships work. While there are other hidden secrets involved in scholarships, you’ll need to book a consultation to get some more information on that.

Postgraduate Level

It is similar at the postgraduate level. Most of the time, it depends on merit. Your chances of getting a merit scholarship at the postgraduate school will depend on whether you have a first-class or a good 2.1.

At the postgraduate level, the funding available is for research programs, thesis programs that require you to do research. Schools and professors have funding from various sources set aside, so you need to be employed there to be eligible for the award. They would pay you a stipend; part of that stipend could take care of your school fees. So you have to be set for maybe even 80 to 90% or even 100% of what you will need while you are doing research, and it will take between two to three years, and if you’re going for a direct Ph.D. it may even take up to five years. This applies to both the postgraduate and doctorate levels. Students will get funding based on research that fits. You just need to research the school you’re interested in, what you have, what the school requires, and apply.


These 15 schools will give you a scholarship if you want to do a Masters/Ph.D. in Canada.


If you are interested in learning more, please click here to schedule a paid scholarship consultation.