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How to write a scholarship essay…

Sometimes, the need to write an essay for a scholarship may seem undoable. Many times, putting stress on one’s mind. Many students lack the courage to put together academic essays. For some people, it is because they feel incapable. Some others just may not know how to go about it properly. The idea of writing an essay for admission or a scholarship may be new to many international students. Do not worry. If you are looking to get a scholarship, we have put together a workable template for your essay writing.

Essay writing


Your introduction must be contained in 1-2 paragraphs. The writer starts by drawing the reader in with an attention-grabbing opening sentence related to the cause.

 “My parents were never given the opportunity to further their education beyond elementary school level.” At this point, you would have succeeded in getting the attention of the reader. The student will then go ahead to explain how this has influenced his/her decision to further their studies.

In telling us about his parents and how they must have influenced his decision to further his studies, this student sets the tone for the essay. You would then move on to express your driving force and determination to further your education. Could be to get an undergraduate degree, a masters, Ph.D., a diploma or whatever program you are seeking a scholarship for.

Note that for every individual, a different story is told. In writing a scholarship essay, you must be true to yourself and share your own story. What is your driving force?

In writing a scholarship essay, your introductory paragraph must contain a thesis statement. Here, you explain why you think you deserve the scholarship. In doing this, you must make sure that you do not begin to sound overly desperate. “I beg of you; I need this to save my family.” You must maintain poise with a good approach.

Also, introduce your main points that you’ll be expanding on later in your essay.

Body writing


This is where you expand on your main points. It is paramount that you back up your information when writing an essay for a scholarship. Back up information shared with examples and facts.

At this point of your essay writing, you are allowed to share more details on how you got to where you are presently. Share your inspiration, interests, and aspirations. You will then go ahead to express the role the scholarship will play in bringing your dreams to actualization.

In expressing your goals and aspiration, be specific. Do not give generic goals. Say something like “this scholarship would help me gain more ground in the field of finance and gear me towards the dream of becoming a financial analyst. I would love to help build the ministry of finance in my country which is currently in total shambles” Rather than merely saying “this scholarship will help gear me towards becoming a financial analyst who will change the world.”


  • What has been a significant challenge in your life?
  • How did you overcome this?
  • What is/are your educational and career goal(s)?
  • Why did you choose this particular college or university?
  • Why did you choose this field of study?
  • How can a scholarship help you achieve your educational goal(s)?
  • What are you going to do with your degree?
  • How should the scholarship help you achieve your long-term career goal(s)?
  • You must provide real-life examples that support the main arguments.

Essay conclusion


The conclusion of your essay should be done in 1 paragraph. You are to explain how winning this scholarship would help you achieve your set goals. It is also advisable that you include the impact this would have on your community and home country. Express how this would also help you give back to your host community back at home or in your country.


  • A summary of your key points.
  • A restatement of your thesis [how the scholarship can help you reach your goal(s)].
  • Express gratitude to the scholarship committee for reading your piece.

Are you an international student looking for scholarship to study outside of your country? We have our team of advisors who can help you with this process. Also read study abroad requirements. For any of our other services, send an email to